THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsPassion Sunday26 March 2023 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends in Christ,
In today's Gospel reading (St. John 8:46), we see the ultimate confrontation between Truth and falsehood. Jesus has been accused of having a devil, and He reveals that His false accusers are children of the devil. Jesus says openly that they are liars.
Even though they are children of God and Abraham by their natures, they become children of the devil because of their sins. They have chosen lies and falsehood over the Truth by a simple act of their will.
Jesus can see into the hearts of men. He knows clearly whether they have been deceived or are trying to deceive (lying). He can openly call these Jews liars because He knows clearly that they know the truth and have freely chosen to speak what they know to be false. Without spiritual help, we must be cautious before declaring someone else a liar or deceitful. A crucial distinction must be made between being deceived and seeking to deceive.
Evil is relatively easy to spot and denounce, but judging the thoughts and intentions of others is a dangerous path for us sinners who are mere mortals. The devil often appears as an angel of light to deceive us. We have been deceived. Is it not just and fair to realize that others may likewise be currently operating under some deception?
The Prodigal Son did something very evil in brazenly asking his father for his inheritance before the father had given it to him. But the father overlooked the sin and gave the Prodigal Son what he asked for. He knew his son was deceived and was not thinking correctly. He did not become angry; he did not go into a rage and punish his son. He calmly gave his son room to discover his illusion. The Prodigal Son was a much better man after he found the truth about himself, for himself. Before the son departed from his father's house, any instruction, rebuke, or punishment would have fallen on deaf or resentful ears because he was deceived. He had to discover his mistake and correct it himself.
The Jews in today's Gospel reading were not deceived but sought to deceive. This is incorrigible, and the only appropriate response is denunciation. We should be careful not to allow our enthusiasm for the Truth to blind us to the culpability of others. We learn in the Catechism that certain conditions are necessary for a sin to be mortal. The sin must be serious; we must know it is serious and willingly consent to do it anyway. While we can examine our own consciences and come to an understanding of our own souls (sometimes even this is easier said than done.), it is not so easy for us to examine or know the truth of someone else's state of soul. Do they speak what they believe to be true or what they know to be false? Just because we tell them the truth does not mean they believe it or accept it. They can still be very much under illusions and unable to accept or recognize the truth.
There are, no doubt, many evil people in the world. There are many liars, heretics, schismatics, thieves, and cheats. Probably, even more are deceived and do evil because they operate under an illusion. While Jesus can correctly discern their souls, we cannot and should not even attempt to. We have enough to do in discerning our own souls. We should give others the benefit of the doubt until they have proven beyond all doubt that they have evil intentions.
This often leaves us in the position of the father of the Prodigal Son waiting and praying for the grace of God to enlighten them and return them to the path of truth and virtue. We should speak the truth and even admonish, but always with the tone of loving compassion and ready forgiveness. The way for reconciliation and return should always be left open. The absolute judgments and condemnations belong to God, not us frail, faulty, sinful mortals. Even if they are true, harsh words from us often will only harden deceived souls in their evil deception.
We pray in the Lord's Prayer (Our Father) that He forgives us as we forgive others. We want God to keep the door open for us to return from our offenses, then we should strive to keep the door open for those who may have offended us. We beg His mercy, so we should have mercy toward others.
Undoubtedly, if we adopt this attitude in our daily lives, we will be taken advantage of, and our kindness and mercy will be abused, but if we can save one soul from the deceits of the devils, it is well worth it.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!
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